The distinction acknowledges the professionalism of the three tourist info offices in the municipality.


The mayoress of Xàbia, Rosa Cardona, has collected the Q for Quality Award – “Q de Calidad” – that has been granted to the three tourist offices in the municipality. The presentation took place in Salón de Cristal del Palacio de Cibeles in Madrid on “Noche Q”, organised by the Spanish Institute for Tourism Quality (ICTE) which is part of the Ministry of Industry and Tourism.

Cardona received the distinction that recognises the excellence and professionalism of the attention to visitors and tourists who come to the Tourist Info offices in the historic centre, Duanes de la Mar, and the Arenal, achieved through continuous training for department personnel.

After the presentation, the mayoress declared that “this recognition is proof that our letter of introduction to tourists and visitors is the best” and thanked the entire department for the effort to “meet the demanding Q criteria“, adding that “today our words are for the seven people who are in the Xàbia Tourism offices every day and, on behalf of all the residents, my words are of gratitude“.

The councillor responsible for Tourism, José Marcos Pons (Vox), stressed that the local government team is “committed to tourism excellence” and that “the first step has been to achieve the Q for Quality [distinction] for our [tourism] offices”. He also announced that the local council “is now working to achieve more recognition of this type for the different tourist resources of Xàbia“.

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