RESULTS: Lotería del Niño 2022

The winning number is 41665.

Wednesday 6th January 2022 | MIKE SMITH

The end of the festive period is not only marked by the visit of the Three Kings but also by the first special draw of the year, known as “El Niño”. Similar to the “El Gordo” draw which took place just before Christmas, this special draw offers almost 38,000 prizes ranging from 2 million euros to 20 euros.

The draw took place at midday today and the numbers which have won the major prizes are:

First Prize
2,000,000 euros (200,000 euros per décimo)


Second Prize
750,000 euros (75,000 euros)


Third Prize
250,000 euros (25,000 euros)


Final Four Digits
3,500 euros (350 euros)

0512 8387

Final Three Digits
1,000 euros (100 euros)

435 842 822 851 709 740 025
300 665 632 721 239 186 641

Final Two Digits
400 euros (40 euros)

50 98 80 48 41

200 euros (20 euros)

Terminación El Niño


Primera Extracción Especial


Segunda Extracción Especial