Ramblars has never had a permit to operate as waste collection centre
The regional government proposes a fine of 30,000 euros.

An image from last November, when the fire started.
Tuesday 17th May 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: original article – Carlos López (Xàbia AL DÍA)
It has been revealed that the Ramblers waste collection centre, which burned for three months from November to the end of February, has never had the administrative authorization to operate as such, according information provided to Xàbia AL DÍA (XAD) by the Generalitat Valenciana.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition confirmed this in response to a request for information through the GVA Oberta portal back in February, when XAD raised several issues with the ministry headed by Mireia Mollá. On Wednesday 11th May, a response was received from the Director-General for Quality and Environmental Education
The first issue raised was with regards to permits for a waste collection facility that has been operating for several years and, after consulting the waste management records of the Generalitat Valenciana, no administrative authorization to operate as such a facility could be found.
The second issue asked in any case of sanction had been opened, something that was confirmed after the council plenary session in March, and the Ministry’s response was that the Director-General signed an agreement on February 18th to open disciplinary proceedings for an alleged violation classified as ‘serious’ in Ley 22/2011 on Waste and Contaminated Soils, and proposed a penalty of 30,000 euros against both Xàbia Council and Guadalquivir Biomass, the company contracted to operate the waste facility.
The Ministry added that a “precautionary measure” was approved on February 23rd to suspend activity at the waste management facility, a procedure that has been notified to both interested parties”.
Finally, the Ministry confirmed that no analysis has been made of the gases that were emitted by the fire.
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