PSOE Xàbia presents its candidate list under the slogan “Xàbia, let’s make it extraordinary”
Chulvi: “This is a project with more strength, more experience and more hope than ever”.

Sunday 23rd April 2023
Mike Smith
Although the list had already been published back in late February, the PSOE XÀBIA formally presented its candidate list for the forthcoming local elections to supporters, activists and the curious who filled the church square in front of the town hall building.
Mayor José Chulvi, bidding for another four years at the helm, told the gathering that “this is a project with more strength, more experience and more hope than ever”, highlighting the fact that the 21 candidates are a combination of experience and new faces.
He said that the last four years has thrown everything at the local government, such as storm management, the pandemic and the cost of living crisis, to which the town hall had allocated more than 20 million euros in aid for families and companies as well as employment initiatives, in addition to lowering the IBI tax obligation and suspending the rubbish tax entirely.
Looking to the future, Chulvi highlighted three axes for the PSOE: sustainability and the protect of Xàbia’s natural values (which includes a plan to protect 10 million square metres), improving customer service, and improving access to housing. With regards to the latter, he expressed the importance that “the people of Xàbia can continue living in Xàbia … what is the good of having an extraordinary town if its younger population has to leave [to find somewhere to live]” and confirmed that Xàbia is planning to build 153 homes for social rent.
With regards to the last twelve years, Chulvi claimed that his party has brought “stability and confidence” to the town which, he said, was reflected in the fact that the unemployment rate in Xàbia is below the average for the Comunidad Valenciana and that the town leads that way in the creation of companies in the Province of Alicante.
However, he was also willing to self-criticize, focusing on the projects that still need to be complete and have stalled “due to the non-compliance of the contractors” and assured those present that justice has supported Xàbia in all cases and promised that “we will put all human, economic and technical means to move forward so that they become a reality like the municipal swimming pool”.
Finally, he referred to the candidate list (see below) which he declared as being a “renewed formation” with people who come from different fields of public and private management “who bring us experience, stability, talent and enthusiasm”. He declared it as a list of “good people” which he trusts without hesitation and who are committed to work together with all residents “to make Xàbia extraordinary”.
The candidates:
- Jose Chulvi · current mayor of Xàbia
- Kika Mata · current head Services / Fiestas
- Alberto Tur · current head Sports
- Isabel Moreno
- Ximo Segarra · current head of Treasury / Economic Development / New Technologies
- Rosana Sapena
- Sergio Camarasa
- Rita Berruti · current head Social Services / Health
- Vicent Miralles
- Montse Villaverde · current head Education / Equality / Youth / Citizen Participation
- Olga Sales
- Doris Courcelles · current head Foreign Residents
- Rafa Bisquert
- Marco Perry
- Loreto Bolufer
- Pepa Ferrero
- Chus Pobes
- Pilar González
- José Luis Luengo
- Toni Miragall
- Isabel Bolufer