PSOE questions salary package increase of 122,000 euros a year

The socialists also question whether there is a conflict of interest due to Mavi Perez owning a private school.


Thursday 29th June 2023
Mike Smith

A statement issued by the PSOE socialist opposition has questioned what it considers to be a salary package increase of almost half a million euros over the next four years, an extra cost to the local taxpayer for spending on salaries for councillors and trusted personnel of the tripartite PP-CPJ-Vox.

Socialist spokesman and former mayor José Chulvi questioned the increase during the extraordinary plenary session held at the town hall on Thursday morning, claiming that it is “inconsistent with those who got their knickers in a twist back in 2019 over the cost of the government team that I chaired” and said that the tripartite not only copy his government’s decisions but have also increased spending by 122,000 euros a year.

Chulvi recalled a statement made by Rosa Cardona in 2019 in which she wondered “how are we going to explain to people who are having a hard time, to the self-employed, that the local council spends this money on councillor salaries” and that now, four years later, and with an increase of 122,000 euros a year for the same position, “Rosa Cardona doesn’t want to respond that her own statement given at the time”.

The socialist statement continues by highlighting what the councillors of the PP-CPJ-Vox tripartite will charge compared to the last legislature, adding that José Chulvi did not take the 50,000 euros he was entitled to as mayor but Rosa Cardona has done so.

The statement added that all trust positions in the new local government are charging more than in the previous legislature and there will be four salaries of 28,761 euros (compared to five of 26,300 euros in the last legislature), two of 30,829 euros (compared to one of 30,000 euros) and one of 35,297 euros (compared to one of 35,000 euros). This amounts to more than 120,000 euros of extra cost, almost half a million euros more during the entire legislature.

The statement concluded the matter by claiming that Rosa Cardona refused to respond to the question and instead delegated councillor Enrique Escrivà to do so, who explained that “there is a lot of work to do and those seven positions of trust are needed”.

Mavi Peréz: A Conflict of Interest?

The statement also highlighted the fact that socialist councillor Isabel Morena had asked the Town Clerk about the possibility of a conflict of interest after CPJ councillor Mavi Pérez was handed responsibility for the Municipal Nursery since she already owns a private nursery in the town. The Town Clerk needs to determine if both positions are compatible.