Programme: Festes La Plana 2024


The celebrations are held in honour of Mare de Déu de Ángels at the sanctuary of the same name.

Xàbia truly is a place of fiesta and the beginning of August sees the festivities move to the plateau of La Plana, traditional celebrations in honour of Mare de Déu del Ángels that take place around the Santuario in Carretera del Cap de Sant Antoni.

Although the programme began last Tuesday 23rd July with the religious events – the rosary and the novena at 9.00am and 7.00pm – it is this weekend when the fiesta and brotherhood activities will be taking place to which all the residents are invited.

The events have been organised by the 2024 Mayorales and Mayoralesas, Juan Bisquert, Juan Gaspar Pons, Toñi Andrés, Sergi Pons, Ángel Tur, Maribel Sala, Paco Mestre, Paco Martí, Vicent Torres, Pepa Sala, Domingo Bou, Tere Orenes, Jaime Soler, Nieves Soler, Marc Ros, Josep Pons, Ana Bisquert and Anabel Buigues.

Fiesta Programme

Friday 2nd August 2024

  • 12:00hrs – Solemn Eucharist with the Archbishop of Valencia, D.Esteban Escudero. At the end, there will be procession around the grounds of the sanctuary, followed by complimentary wine for everyone.
  • 20:00hrs – Opening of the Bar with Special Prices.
  • 20:30hrs – Traditional Dancing with the Grup de Danses Portitxol.
  • 22:00hrs – Community Dinner (bring your own food) with raffle and gifts, followed by live music and dancing with Pacific Blue.

Saturday 3rd August 2024

  • 18:00hrs – Opening of the Bar with Special Prices.
  • 18:30hrs – Children Activities: Games, Inflatables, Carretons and Snacks.
  • 22:00hrs – Community Dinner (bring your own food) with raffle and gifts, followed by dancing to DJ La Gavi.

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