PP responds to socialist accusations as war of words breaks out

The Populares accuses Chulvi of using false information to confuse residents and hiding his own salary.

PP Xàbia

Thursday 29th June 2023
Mike Smith

The current legislature is barely two weeks old and a war of words has broken out between the incumbent PP and the opposition PSOE after Thursday’s extraordinary plenary session approved the salaries for councillors and trusted staff, a decision which the socialists claims will increase the salary bill by almost half a million euros over the next four years.

In a statement issued on Thursday evening in response to an earlier communication from the PSOE, the Partido Popular de Xàbia (PP) said that it wanted to make the public aware of what it called “worrying practices” by former mayor José Chulvi and accused him of inflammatory talk and manipulation as he questioned the salaries of the municipal government.

The statement claimed that, during the plenary session, Chulvi tried to use false information and confuse residents regarding the salaries of public officials, creating what it called an “erroneous and uninformed perception” between previous and current legislatures. It accused the former mayor of having a “lack of respect” for the ethical principles that should guide public management.

The statement continued to expressed “deep concern” that Chulvi has tried to hide his own salaries camouflaged as compensation that he has not wanted to mention in his financial statement, claiming that he has “hidden more than 100,000 euros a year, more than 400,000 euros that his government received for attendance during the last legislature”.

The statement concluded by pledging that the PP was “committed to ensuring transparency and ethics in public management” and for this reason it was publishing all the salaries of the current councillors, whether it be for departmental responsibility or for compensation, with a comparison with those of the last legislature of the socialists.

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