Podemos: “Sewage discharge is down to a lazy council”

The existence of a dislodged manhole cover was known at the same time as the threat of rain, almost a week ago.

Podemos 210322 Toallitas 1

Monday 22nd March 2021 | PRESS RELEASE, translation MIKE SMITH

Podemos Xàbia has presented a complaint to the Council, accusing it of a disastrous handling of a sewage leak through a dislodged manhole cover in the Gorgos river.

The discharges from a sewage collection system on the riverbed of the Gorgos and the resulting ecological disaster – the proliferation of wet wipes along the coast is only the visible side of it – are not the result of a natural catastrophe. The existence of a dislodged manhole cover was known at the same time as the threat of rain, almost a week ago.

The following factors concur:

  • it was known since last Saturday that the manhole was uncovered;
  • it was known on the same Saturday that there would be heavy rain from Thursday;
  • with the necessary means, it was an easy task to replace the manhole cover.

Therefore, not fixing the manhole cover before the arrival of the rains is evident laziness.

We at Podemos demand that Xàbia resolves the political responsibilities for this ecological damage and answer these questions:

  • Who is responsible for the maintenance of this manholes? The management company of EDAR or the Council?
  • If the latter, which councillor is responsible?
  • If it is the former, why has it not moved to close the manhole cover before the arrival of the rains? Why didn’t the Council intercede to prevent ecological damage? It has the means and there was time to spare?
  • What political consequences will such neglect have?

Information Source
Press Release – Podemos Xàbia

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