Podem Xàbia takes to the streets to speak to residents about regional government investments
The group is inviting residents to show their support (or not) for any of the proposals which would attract regional government funding.

Friday 18th June 2021 – XÀBIA AL DÍA with Mike Smith
Podem Xàbia has decided to go out on to the streets of the town to make it easier for residents to take part in the Participatory Budgeting process of the Generalitat Valenciana, an initiative that the regional government initiated this year and which includes three proposed projects for the municipality.
It just so happens that one of these proposals has been the initiative of Podem Xàbia and, in a bid that they become reality, they will be organizing two consultative tables this weekend so that residents can vote for them.
This Friday 18th June, the group will be in the Placeta del Convent between 7.00pm and 9.00pm and then on Saturday 19th June they will be in the central promenade of Avenida Jaume I in the port between the same times.
However, Podem Xàbia are also inviting residents to show their support for any of the 660 proposals that have passed the first phase of the Ministry of Participation, the only chance to show their feelings since there has been no open forum of the participatory budgets which, the group claims, the local government doesn’t want.
The projects include the creation of the regional bus service linking the communities of the Marina Alta and the creation of the Costa train link between Valencia and Alicante as well as those referring to Xàbia, such as the acquisition by the regional government of the Sareb homes on Avenida del Pla (a proposal presented by Podem Xàbia), the creation of a parkway between Gata de Gorgos and Xàbia and the acquisition of the Casa dels Bolufer in the Plaza de la Iglesia.