PHOTOS: The Emissaries collect letters for their Majesties

Christmas is not quite over! Everything is being prepared for the arrival of their Majesties Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar this Thursday.

Three Kings 01

Tuesday 3rd January 2023
Mike Smith

The Royal Emissaries of Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar have arrived in Xàbia to start their valuable task of collecting letters from the residents of the town. On Monday evening, they paraded through the streets of the port to the courtyard of the church of Mare de Deu de Loreto where the blue, red and green emissaries were able to meet the excited children, hand them a little gift and collect their letters of wishes for the Majesties to consider, perhaps adding them to their bags ready to be delivered on the night of January 5th.

The emissaries were welcomed to the port church by the parish priest Don Francisco and Father Francisco and invited to take their seats to begin their task. A long queue of families stretched away from the courtyard and down the street, the children carrying their letters, some even showing the contents to relatives and friends. Maybe they’ll be very lucky this year and get everything they ask for. Or maybe not. Have they been good?

This was the first of two special occasions in preparation for the arrival of the Three Kings on Thursday. The Royal Emissaries continued on their way to the old town where they have set up camp amongst the trees of the Parque Montaner next to the Riurau d’Arnauda. Tonight, Tuesday and tomorrow, they will invite children and their families to come along and see them, enjoy the atmosphere of the camp, deliver their letters if they haven’t done so already, and even enjoy some food and drink.

The Royal Camp opens at 4.00pm and will remain open until 9.00pm on both days.

And then their Majesties will arrive by fishing boat in the early evening of Thursday 5th January to parade through both the port and the town to greet the children.

Related Link: Fiesta LOS REYES MAGOS

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