PHOTO GALLERY: Fogueres de Sant Joan – Nit dels Focs 2019

Some images from the 2019 Nit dels Focs of the Fogueres de Sant Joan de Xàbia.


Wednesday 23rd June 2021 – Compiled by MIKE SMITH

The penultimate day of the Fogueres de Sant Joan de Xàbia is one of the most popular of the whole fiesta – the magical Night of Fires in which thousands of people descend on the historic centre to celebrate Midsummer until the early hours of the following day.

Anticipation builds throughout the day until just before midnight when a series of small fires are built around the perimeter of the old town, some traditionally set at the locations of the old gates though the ancient walls that once surrounded the town, and the task is to jump them all whilst wearing your floral crown before flinging your headgear into the flames of final huge bonfire around which the quintà dances.

And then, the streets come alive again with bright white sparks as the correfocs fills the town with thunderous noise and music before reaching an explosive crescendo in the main square as the clocks ticks towards 3.00am.

Here are some images from the 2019 Nit dels Focs: