Opinion: At last! September comes.

Mr Mayor – Don’t encourage people to come to Jávea then get concerned when they do.

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Wednesday 1st September 2021 – JULIO M. RAMÓN; translation by Mike Smith

I thought it wouldn’t come but, thank God, it’s September. I have spent the worst summer in Jávea, of the last thirty. In July there was no way to sleep, surrounded by houses and chalets with dozens of young people entrenched in them, drunk with music and alcohol, shouting until ten in the morning. And in August – ay August! –  without being able to travel anywhere on time, without being able to park, without being able to … it has been awful. And I fear that from now on it will be worse. It seems that they want to drop those of us who live here all year right in it.

It must have been so awful that even the mayor, Mr. Chulvi, has noticed. And they say that he has said that he is going to seek the seventh cavalry in the form of regional environmental secretary. Let’s see, Mr. Mayor, when you meet with the secretary, explain to her how you continue to give building licenses like a man possessed, explain why you go to FITUR every year to encourage people come to Jávea and then suddenly launch an emergency SOS when too many come, and tell them why you prioritize aid for the hospitality industry over social aid for families suffering unemployment and difficulties in paying for electricity. In short, explain why a “progressive” government is more into the yachts than with the people who vote for them.

The city model that you are promoting, although it is somewhat less onerous than the one proposed by the PP, is practically the same. Do not forget that urbanism does have an ideology. We are going to die of success, let him know. In addition, the productive model to which they have led us, based only on tourism, creates underemployment which cannot withstand even the slightest crisis. But that you should know all that by now, and if you take us from victory to victory until the final defeat, accept it and don’t go, like children, running to mummy for help.

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