Only two bids have been received for design phase of Casa de la Candelaria renovation

One of the bids has been asked to justify submitted a particular low price to complete this initial phase.

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Thursday 26th August 2021 – CARLOS LÓPEZ with Mike Smith

Two architects have submitted their proposals in the public tender for the selection of the designer of the renovation of the historic Casa de la Candelaria – also known as ‘Casa dels Xolvi’ – which is located on the corner of Carrer Roques and Carrer de l’Escola.

According to details published on the Contracting Platform, the two bids have come from a self-employed architect Javier Hidalgo Mora from La Eliana (Valencia), and a firm of architects MEGA Ingeniería, Construcción y Seguridad from Orihuela (Alicante).

The renovation design project had an initial budget of 152,000 euros (including IVA) and the two bids have reduced the price considerably.

Javier Hidalgo Mora has proposed that the design project can be executed for 97,900 euros (including IVA), a reduction of more than a third on the initial budget, and the contract award committee have requested that the architect justify the low price and that the project can be completed for that price. If not, then he would be excluded from the tender process and the contract would be awarded to the next bidder, MEGA Ingeniería, Construcción y Seguridad, who has offered a price of 114,000 euros (including IVA) for the project.

One of the requirements of the contract is perhaps the one that has resulted in just two architects presenting bids for the design phase and it is that an archaeologist must be present during the entire design period since the interior of the Casa de la Candelaria has a number of wall painting dating from the 15th century which must be preserved.

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