Official: José Chulvi announces his candidacy as head of the PSOE in the next municipal elections
“We have the experience, the strength and the hope intact” said the leader of the Socialists of Xàbia

Wednesday 5th October 2022 · Mike Smith
Press Release: PSPV Xàbia
José Chulvi faces what could be his fourth term as head of the Xàbia Council. This has been officially announced in an act held in the new Casa del Poble del PSOE de Xàbia (located in Ronda Nord) and surrounded by the majority of the councilors who have accompanied him in the legislatures of 2011, 2015 and 2019.
In his announcement, Chulvi reviewed the change in model experienced by the town since he first became mayor. In this sense, he explained that “twelve years later – and with a lot of work and overcoming great difficulties – Xàbia is a better town”. As an example, the first mayor referred to leadership in territorial sustainability policies “and the help given to families and companies during the pandemic, but also now with a drop in IBI of 17%”.
Likewise, he valued the fact that Xàbia leads the creation of new companies throughout the province of Alicante, the protection of more than 10 million square metres of the new general plan, the scope of social policies and the achievement of historical demands such as “removing cars from the Primer Montañar and the building the municipal swimming pool”. In addition, there is the fact that Xàbia is clearly consolidated as one of the most desired places on the Valencian coast “to invest and to live”.
Stability, Tranquility and Common Sense
For José Chulvi, “the condition for things to go well, for the economy to work, for investment to continue and quality of life standards to be maintained, what this team has provided for twelve years is necessary: stability, tranquility and common sense”.
Along the same lines, he mentioned the style of politics that the PSOE of Xàbia has implemented in the town hall: “a model of transparency and proximity. We are a government that you see and touch, both when things are going well and also when things go wrong; you have to show your face”.
As for the socialist candidacy, without yet revealing the names that will form it, he did say that it is made “to win and to govern. The PSOE of Xàbia is a party that wants to work and that assumes responsibilities, even though sometimes it is difficult to digest bad moments or accept criticism”.
The candidate recalled, in this regard, that despite the absolute majority achieved in the last elections, he has offered council positions to other parties “in exchange for nothing; giving freedom to vote in plenary sessions” and that they have not accepted them: “they have said no. They have not wanted to get wet in the day-to-day management of their town”.
Precisely in this day-to-day work and management, the current mayor put the focus: “we want to win to govern and we want to govern to work for Xàbia. Others, perhaps, should ask themselves if they have an idea and a plan for the next day or if the goal that unites them is to beat Chulvi”.
Finally, he thanked the councilors of the three legislatures for their work and their involvement in the municipal government as well as the local executive, who thus renews his confidence in the leader of a project that has claimed three victories and two consecutive absolute majorities.