Health Minister Ana Barceló has confirmed that a second extension to the restrictions originally imposed in August will begin on Monday 28th September and last for another 21 days.

Ana Barcelo 01

The Valencian Government has announced that the restrictions on nightlife and smoking in public, amongst others, will continue for another 21 days from Monday 28th September in a continued bid to contain and halt the spread of the COVID-19 infection in the Comunidad Valenciana.

Health Minster Ana Barceló said that the measures originally imposed in August have been showing their effectiveness in containing the spread of the virus. “Therefore it is important that we continue to work along these lines to prevent infections and stop possible outbreaks, to control the pandemic.”

The restrictions, which have been in effect since August 18th, were brought in because it was clear that the policies which dictated life in the “New Normal” after the lifting of the national lockdown were not working as a new wave of coronavirus spread through the region far earlier than expected.

On top of the requirements to wear a face mask at all times, wash hands frequently and respect social distancing, these extraordinary measures include:

  • the complete closure of all discos, nightclubs and late night cocktail bars;
  • the restrictions on the opening times for bars and restaurants who now have to close their doors at 1.00am and not allow new customers to enter after midnight;
  • the prohibition of smoking on the public highway and in the open air when a minimum interpersonal distance of 2m cannot be maintained;
  • PCR testing of all new admission and re-admissions in residences and social centres.

Latest COVID-19 Figures

Barceló added that the Comunidad Valenciana has been constantly increasing its diagnostic capacity and, since the end of the national lockdown, some 640,000 tests have been carried out, an increase of more than 152%. In total, more than a million tests have been taken of which 92% have proved to be negative.

The latest figures released by the Valenciana Health Ministry, valid for 23/09/2020, show that the number of new COVID-19 infections confirmed by PCR over the previous 24 hours was 707 which takes the total number of infections confirmed by PCR in the region to 37,553. In contrast, 688 people were discharged as recovered over the same period, bringing the total number of recoveries to 38,870. At the time of reporting, 6,286 active cases exist in the Valencian region.

As for Xabia, as of 24/09/2020, the number of cases confirmed by PCR test increased by 7 to 142, a rise of 20 over the past 14 days. There have no new deaths in the town since the early weeks of the pandemic crisis; the total stands at 2.

SOURCE: GVA Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Publica

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