Next edition of museum magazine delves into Xàbia’s Iberian era

The magazine will be presented on Saturday 28th May at the museum and attendees will be able to view an Iberian weight recovered by the Fundación CIRNE.


Friday 20th May 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: press release – Ajuntament de Xàbia

The Soler Blasco Archaeological and Ethnographic Museum in Xàbia will be presenting the fourth edition of its magazine ‘Quaderns del Museu’ next Saturday 28th May at 7.00pm in the hall of the museum in the heart of the historic centre.

This fourth edition is dedicated to the Iberian period and to the discoveries linked to this era which were found in Xàbia, some of which have been exceptional examples such as the ‘Treasure of Lluca’ (which is now on display at the National Archaeological Museum in Madrid) and evidence of settlements.

The research has been carried out by Mireia López-Baltrán, Doctor of History and professor of Ancient History at the University of Valencia) and Jaime Vives Ferrándiz-Sánchez (Doctor and director of the Museum of Prehistory in Valencia).

The reader will be able to discover an overview of the Iberian world, its development and its gradual disappearance in the face of the Roman conquest and the process of Romanization that the area has experienced. They will also learn about the richness of the ‘Tresor de Lluca’ with as-yet unpublished material such as a microscopic image that shows in detail the goldsmith techniques of the time.

There is also a chapter dedicated to the settlement of La Plana de Justa, the only visible sign of Iberian settlement, and another to the rituals of this time, associated both locally and regionally.

The presentation of this fourth edition of ‘Quardern del Museu’ by both the authors, the municipal archaeologist Ximo Bolufer and councillor Quico Moragues (Culture) will be taking place on Saturday 28th May at 7.00pm at the museum and attendees will be able to view an Iberian weight recovered by the Fundación CIRNE.

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