New restrictions announced, including a 10pm curfew and bars closing at 5pm

A total of 26 municipalities are confined – Xàbia is not of them.

Ximo Puig

Tuesday 5th January 2021 | MIKE SMITH

The Generalitat Valenciana has announced further measures to combat the increase of COVID-19 infections in the region which has threatened to spread out of control and overwhelm the health system. The new measures will come into force at 00:00hrs on Thursday 7th January and remain in place until Sunday 31st January at the earliest.

President Ximo Puig explained that the new measures are being brought in to “protect the population and preserve essential health services,” adding that the region is currently experiencing a “serious situation” as the virus spreads almost unabated. He confirmed, however, that schools will re-open on Thursday 7th January as normal.

Curfew and Early Closing

The night curfew has been brought forward to 10.00pm, after which no-one is allowed to be on the streets without justified reason. The hospitality sector – bars and restaurants – will be required to close their doors at 5.00pm and restrict customers to four people on a table. Smoking is completely banned on terraces, regardless of distance.

The maximum number of people who can attend social and family gatherings in public or private spaces remains at six.

Businesses will have to reduce their capacities to 30% of licensed capacity, including car-parks, whilst essential businesses (supermarkets, chemists, orthopedics, opticians, hairdressers and vets) will remain at 50%.

The perimeter lockdown of the Comunidad Valenciana has been extended to January 31st, meaning that no-one can enter or exit the region without a justified reason.

Municipalities confined

In addition, the following municipalities will be confined within their boundaries and subject to additional measures:

Province of Castellón 
Soneja, Jérica, Atzeneta del Maestrat and Borriol
Province of Valencia
Llíria, Massanassa, Ayora, Utiel, Sedaví, Sollana, Guadassuar, Oliva, Daimús, Canals, Benigànim, Xàtiva, Morixent, Ontinyent, Cheste, Sinarcas, Anna, Quatretonda and Bonrepòs i Mirambell. 
Province of Alicante
Alcoi, Castalla and Polop

For these confined municipalities only , bars and restaurants are closed, except for takeaway and home delivery, as well as social centres, clubs, casinos, gymnasiums, sports centres, parks and gardens.

RELATED LINK: Resolución de 5 de enero de 2021 (PDF)

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