Music will fill the air this weekend special concert to mark 125th anniversary

The concert forms part of the adapted programme marking the festivities of Mare de Déu de Loreto.

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Wednesday 1st September 2021 – XÀBIA AL DÍA with Mike Smith

The adapted programmme for this year’s festivities honouring Mare de Déu de Lorerto, the patron of the port zone, includes a number of open-air performances which include a concert by the band of the Centre Artístic Musical de Xàbia (CAM) this Saturday 4th September at 8.00pm on the playground attached to CEIP Port de Xàbia, which has become known as Recinte Fester 2021.

There has been a change to the original programme. In that listing, the concert was to be performed by the CAM’s Youth Band. However, the 125th anniversary of the fiestas required a concert of a certain level that will bring joy to the streets of the municipality after such as turbulent summer. Thus, the main band will be offering a repertoire of pasodobles known all over the world as well as processional marches that will transport the public to acts so characteristic and typical of the local traditions that have been missed so much.

As always in these extraordinary times, the venue has a limited capacity to comply with all the necessary health protocols and all those interested in attended should register in advance up until 2.00pm, either by sending a WhatsApp to 679-851-734 or by sending an email to One person can reserve a maximum of four places and must indicate the name, surname and contact telephone number of each person. There will be a symbolic admission charge of 3 euros.

Other Events at Recinte Fester 2021

The venue will be hosting several other events over the next few days.

Friday 3rd September – the little ones will be the protagonists when, at 7.30pm, the prizes for the Dionís Henarejos Crespo Drawing Contest will be presented, following by a children’s show – Musilocos – at 8.30pm. For these two events, registration can be made at the entrance to the venue until capacity is reached as there is no admission fee.

Sunday 5th September, 9.30pm – Valencian farce “La Barraqueta del Nano” by the Tot Rist Theatre Group of the Fiesta Commission. Prior registration; 3 euros entry.

Tuesday 7th September, 10.30pm – Fun variety musical show “Dando La Nota”. Prior registration; 3 euros entry.

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