Municipal Swimming Pool: “It will only open when it’s ready and will initially be free”


The government team seeks to guarantee that residents can enjoy the new facility in safety.

In response to questions from the opposition about the continuing delay to the opening of the municipal swimming pool and the news that the facility is suffering a number of serious defects that need immediate attention, mayor Rosa Cardona gave her assurances that the pool will only open once all issues have been resolved and that that the public will initially be able to use it for free for a limited time.

The debate arose after the councillor responsible for Sports, Toni Molina (PP), published a statement on his Facebook profile that revealed that the swimming pool had “numerous deficiencies” and that the construction company was being called back to resolve the issues as soon as possible, adding that the government team was “100% committed to the opening of a municipal swimming pool in perfect condition”.

During the extraordinary plenary session, the socialist opposition (PSOE) demanded answers from the government team, the former councillor for Sports, Alberto Tur, having already posted a response to Molina’s revelation over the weekend, noting that “lately in Xàbia many things are going wrong, not least, the governing team”. They pointed out that the facility had already been officially handed over to the council and questioned the procedures necessary for the pool to be operational.

In response, it was clarified that, although the facility had been received correctly, daily tests by municipal staff had revealed several worrying issues, not least the loss of water from the two pool basins which has been estimated at about 500 litres a week, an unacceptable situation, considering that the facility has not yet opened. There are also other defects that have been identified which need to be resolved before the doors can be opened to the public.

Mayor Rosa Cardona responded to accusations from the socialists about the lack of any management – charges, lifeguards, etc – with an assurance that “the swimming pool will only open when it is in perfect condition and it will do so with free access for a limited time”.

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