More than 25,000 people over 90 will be vaccinated this week
Dental professionals and other health mutuals will also receive 7,500 doses of the vaccine this week.

Monday 15th February 2021 | MIKE SMITH
The Ministry of Universal Health and Public Health plans to vaccinate a total of 25,000 non-institutionalized dependents and people over 90 years of age this week. This complies with the vaccination strategy against COVID-19 in Spain, defined within the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System, in which the Comunidad Valenciana and the rest of the autonomous regions are represented.
Both people who need intense care support measures and are not institutionalized and those over the age of 90 are included in the priority vaccination groups defined in the strategy coordinated between the Ministry and the communities due to their vulnerability.
Along with them are the dentists, dental hygiene and other health personnel who care for patients without a mask and for a time greater than 15 minutes. For the latter professionals and for other health staff, a total of 7,500 doses will be supplied this week.
In addition to starting vaccination in large non-institutionalized dependents, those over 90 years of age and dentists, this week it is expected that the vaccination of people included in other priority groups who started the process beforehand will continue.
This is the case of residents and staff of centres for the elderly and care for institutionalized dependents who have already received a first dose of the vaccine or who have both pending because they are infected, hospitalized, have been in quarantine, isolation or are new staff or residential intake. Approximately 3,000 doses will be administered in residences this week and another 14,500 in day centres.
There are also 15,000 more doses of the COVID-19 vaccine reserved for public and private health professionals pending total or partial immunization (in the absence of a dose to complete the full immunization schedule).
The three vaccines authorized in Spain so far to fight COVID-19 are those of Pfizer / BioNTech, Moderna and AstraZeneca. All have adequate levels of efficacy and safety, although they present different characteristics in terms of logistics and population profiles in which they have been tested.
In the Comunidad Valenciana, Pfizer is mainly aimed at groups of older people, while Moderna and AstraZeneca are mainly for healthcare personnel.
Information Source
Press Release – Generalitat Valenciana