Fiesta Commission prepares three days of symbolic acts


The Fiesta Commission of the fiestas honouring Mare de Déu de Loreto, the patron saint of the port zone, has organised a symbolic fiesta programme to mark what would have been the final three days of the festivities next month. The commission will be encouraging the people of the port, both residents and businesses, to decorate their balconies, façades and shop windows to bring some colour and life to the marine zone whilst the church bells will ring out in honour of the patron saint as well as health personnel and others who have provided for us and watched over us all during this COVID-19 health crisis. The programme will finished with a thunderous launch of fireworks on September 8th, an event that will mark the start of the preparations for the 125th anniversary in 2021.

Thursday 27th August – Friday 4th September

Novena en honour of Mare de Déu del Loreto

At the parish church. On 27th and 28th, it will be at 8.30pm. On the rest of the days, it will be at 8.00pm.

Saturday 5th September

Decorating the Streets

The current situation isn’t going to dampen the joy and community spirit and for this season the Fiesta Commission is encouraging all the residents and businesses of the port area to decorate their balconies, façades and shop windows in order to bring some colour and devotion to the marine zone during these special days for all. The Commission proposes to create handcrafted decorations, recycled and purchased, to hang the traditional covers of Mare de Déu de Loreto so that they shine during what would have been the biggest days of the festivities.

Sunday 6th September

1.00pmRinging of the Church Bells in tribute to health personnel, workers in the food sector, individuals, groups and institutions that watch over and have ensured the well-being of citizens throughout this difficult time.

Monday 7th September

Día del Santísimo Cristo del Mar

9.00amRinging of the Church Bellsto mark this special day dedicated to Santísimo Cristo del Mar.
Celebration of Mass in honour of Santísimo Cristo del Mar. The capacity of the church is limited to meet current health regulations and attendance requires compliance with the security measures established by the parish.

Tuesday 8th September

Día de la Mare de Déu de Loreto

9.00amRinging of the Church Bells to mark the big day of Mare de Déu de Loreto and the launch of rockets.
Celebration of the Solemn Mass in honour of Mare de Déu de Loreto in the parish church. The capacity of the church is limited to meet current health regulations and attendance requires compliance with the security measures established by the parish.
At dusk, the thunderous noise of fireworks will close this symbolic celebration and welcome what is hoped will be the participatory 125th anniversary of the festivities honouring our patron saint.

The Fiesta Commission reserves the right to change the programme if necessary.

During all the acts, it will be mandatory:
– to wear face masks;
– to observe correct hand hygiene protocols;
– to use proper hydroalcoholic gel;
– to avoid the gathering of people;
– to maintain the required interpersonal safety distance.

SOURCE: Press Release – Fiesta Comissió Mare de Deu de Loreto