Local police prepare for extraordinary measures this weekend

Controls will be carried out to ensure compliance with current restrictions to try and halt the spread of the virus.

Policia Local

Archive Photo, taken before the pandemic.

Friday 29th January 2021 | MIKE SMITH

Officers from the Policía Local, supported by a team of temporary staff from the ECOVID programme, will be carrying out special measures this weekend to monitor compliance with the exceptional measures that are in force to try and stop the spread of COVID-19 infection in the Comunidad Valenciana.

Controls will be carried out in the popular public areas such as the coastal promenades, beaches, parks and picnic areas as well as all accesses to the municipality to ensure that arrivals are not breaking current limitations on movement, including the perimeter closure of the whole of the Comunidad Valenciana and the weekend closure of municipalities with a population over 50,000.

Mayor José Chulvi has already informed representatives of the municipal parties of this exceptional measure during a meeting held this morning in which they have also been informed of the current health situation in the town as well as the municipal procedures related to the Plan Resistir aid package to the self-employed, small companies, and employees in the sectors most affected by the restrictions.

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