Ten officers from the Policía Local receive long-service awards on Guardian Angels Day.

Policia Local 01

Today, October 2nd, is the Feast day honouring the Guardian Angels, and it is a day that members of the police, our own very special guardian angels, receive special honours to mark distinct milestones in their careers.

Mayor José Chulvi and councillor Pepa Gisbert (Citizen Security) were honoured to deliver ten very special awards to local police officers in Xàbia, although this year, due to the ongoing health crisis, the ceremony was a very simple private affair at the town hall in the heart of the historic centre.

Those receiving their long-service awards are: official Fernando Escolano and officer José Enrique Miguel for 35 years of service; officer Mariano Armero (30 years); officer Alejandro Jávega (20 years); officers Jorge Ferrándiz, Juan Carlos Torres, Rafael Gozalo, Elena Torres and David Dávila (15 years) y officer José Montagut (10 years).

The municipal officials expressed the gratitude of entire municipality to Chief Inspector José Antonio Monfort for the efforts of the local police force, especially in a year during which they have had to be on the front-line during the national lockdown brought about by the State of Alarm as well as manage the new protocols that have been decreed to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic which have proved to be very difficult after the run of retirements in rceent years.

The head of the local police force added that this significant date is used to show a special gratitude to all police officers for their response, cooperation and commitment to serving the public in some very hard and uncertain times during which they have had to face double shifts and give their very best to ensure that health and safety of the people of Xàbia.

Monfort also expressed his thanks to all the companies, groups and residents who delivered both physical material such as PPE and signs of affection during the national lockdown, elements that encouraged the officers to provide their service in the best conditions of self-protection and spirit.

The police also highlighted the good behaviour of the people of Xàbia during this difficult times when the majority have demonstrated great responsibility and collaboration with all the required health protocols to reduce the risk of infection from COVID-19.

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