Local Elections 2023 – The campaign for local government begins

Six hopefuls are looking to take the helm in Xàbia; José Chulvi hoping for another four years in charge.


Friday 12th May 2023
Mike Smith

At midnight Thursday 11th May, the local political parties actively began their campaigns to attract the votes to run Xàbia for the next four years. The mayoral candidates from all six parties – PSOE, PP, CDJ, Compromís, Podemos and Vox – stood outside the main door of the town hall building for the traditional photo before joining their fellow candidates and party activists to paste up their campaign posters.

The municipal and regional elections will be taking place on Sunday 28th May and 15,223 people have registered to be able to cast their vote and they will have been receiving their voting cards with the location of their assigned polling station over the past few days.

Whilst EU citizens residing in the country can vote in the municipal elections, non-EU citizens can only do so if their home country has a bilateral agreement with Spain. The United Kingdom is one of those countries and British citizens who formally registered their intention to vote before the deadline of January 15th 2023 should have now received their voting card or will do so in the next few days.

Councillors will be elected according to the party-list proportional representation (PR) system which means that a vote is cast for the party rather than the individual. Seats on the local council will be distributed according to the support is received by voting. In May 2019, the seats were allocated as follows:

  • PSOE (3,873 votes, 45.32%) – 11 seats and absolute majority
  • PP (1,832 votes, 21.44%) – 5 seats
  • CPJ (995 votes, 11.64%) – 2 seats
  • Compromís (827 votes, 9.68%) – 2 seats
  • Cs (564 votes, 6.6%) 1 seat
  • Podemos (407 votes, 4.75%) no seats.

For more information about the candidate lists:

Six parties present their candidates for election on May 28th – javeamigos.com

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