LABORA visits Xàbia between June 7th and 9th

The Bus Labora will offer residents the opportunity to carry out procedures related in employment and job placement.

Cartell Bus Labora Xàbia

Monday 30th May 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: press release – Ajuntament de Xàbia

The mobile unit of LABORA, the regional government’s public employment and training service, will be visiting Xàbia between June 7th and 9th, offering residents the opportunity to carry out those procedures related in employment and job placement, such as registering with LABORA, renewing the DARDE, seeking training, requesting job guidance, enrolling in courses, updating CVs, checking job vacancies or receiving guidance on unemployment benefits.

The Bus Labora will be located on the Plaza de la Constitución on Tuesday 7th June and Wednesday 8th June and in Avenida Jaume I on Thursday 9th June, and it will be open from 10.00am until 6.00pm.

The councillor responsible for CREAMA and Economic Development, Marta Bañuls, explained that the inclusion of Xàbia in the circuit of the LABORA mobile unit is “a beneficial opportunity for residents of Xàbia who are looking for employment” and provides an opportunity to bring the service closer to those who would otherwise have difficult in travelling to Dénia. In addition, she said that it will be a “took that with strengthen the advisory services that we usually provide at CREAMA Xàbia”.

Bañuls emphasised the importance of being registered as a job seeker and having a profile updated to the offers to be able to apply for positions that are being offered in the employment plans subsidized by the Generalitat Valenciana, such as ECOVID and ECUJU, two initiatives that will be launched once again in Xàbia this year. Thus, she recommended that those those who waiting to be called up for these initiatives visit the Bus Labora to carry out the necessary procedures.

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