Jávea Yacht Club celebrates its 48th Sailing Week from August 18th to 28th
This year the social events will return after being suspended due to the health restrictions to deal with the pandemic.

Wednesday 17th August 2022 · Mike Smith
Source: Club Náutico de Jávea
This Thursday, Club Náutico Jávea opens the 48th edition of its renowned Semana de la Vela – Sailing Week – which will bring together some 400 people, both sailors and spectators, to experience the different events.
The vice-president of the Club, Marta Camps, the member of Sailing division, Carlos Carbonell and the member of Social Events division, Pilar de la Cuadra, held a press conference on Tuesday in which they presented the details of the Sailing Week, which is held this This year its 48th edition, it is sponsored by Living Ceramics and is held from August 18 to 28.
Camps stressed that this year the Club has faced some very important changes “with the completion of the renovation project of the facilities and in this Semana de la Vela, we will be able to celebrate it since social events are also recovered” (which could not be held last year due to health restrictions).
One of the main novelties this year is the challenge of the 100 rowing strokes that will be held on August 28th and will be attended by some 200 rowers, an event that also forms part of the programme of the festivities honouring Mare de Déu de Loreto and that deepens – stressed the member of Social Events – “the relationship between the Club Náutico with the Duanes neighbourhood”.

In the sports section, the regattas begin this Thursday 18th August with the Sir Thomas Lipton trophy and the Comodoro Federico Gimeno trophy. “These two tests will bring together fifty boats of the cruise class,” said Carlos Carbonell, member of Sailing Club Náutico Jávea.
For the next week the tests for the youth and children classes will be held. On the 25th and 26th the Windsurfing trophy will be held whilst on August 27th and 28th it will be the Rodolfo Tomás Optimist and 420 trophy. These tests will bring together almost a hundred of sailors and in the case of the 420 event, it will be a scoring test for the regional championship.
Carbonell explained that the yacht club has made a commitment to Windsurfing and the 420 class in recent years and there are now more and more sailors in these classes. Along with this, he recalled that the optimist class sailors reached the top in the last Spanish championship, “which shows that our sailing academy and is achieving good results.”
Paella contest, children’s party and exhibitions
The member of Social Events, Pilar de la Cuadra, explained that this year’s paella contest has an incentive and that is that we have “organized a contest on Instagram with the help of the yacht club’s A Bordo Restaurant“. To do this, participants must post a photograph of the event on their networks, mention two friends and use the hashtag #48SemanaDelLaVela. In addition, they should follow the profiles of the Club Náutico Jávea (@cnjavea) and the Restaurante A Bordo (@abordojavea). Among all the participants, a dinner will be raffled at A Bordo.
Thursday 18th August
- 12:00 – Sir Thomas Lipton Trophy “Regatta and Club”
- 20:00 – Paella Contest
Friday 19th August
- 12:00 – Sir Thomas Lipton Trophy “Regatta and Club”
- 19:00 – Children’s party
- 20:00 – Joana Bisquert Exhibition
Saturday 20th August
- 12:00 – Commodore Federico Gimeno Trophy
- 21:00 – Gala dinner and awards ceremony.
Thursday 25th August
- 12:00 – Windsurfing trophy
Friday 26th August
- 12:00 – Windsurfing trophy
- 18:00 – Presentation of trophies and snack
Saturday 27th August
- 12:00 – Rodolfo Tomás Trophy from Optimist and 420
Sunday 28th August
- 09:00 – 100 Paddles in Charity Rowing
- 12:00 – Rodolfo Tomás Trophy
- 18:00 – Awards Ceremony and Snacks