Javea Feral Cats launch its fourth Padel Tournament and Gala Weekend


The fundraising weekend will take place on Saturday 14th And Sunday 15th September.

Play it, win it, love it! Whether you want to compete, spectate or participate, these are dates for your diary – Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September 2024. It is the Javea Feral Cat Association Padel Tournament and Gala Weekend at Club de Padel, Paris 24, Avinguda de Paris, Javea,

Mayor Rosa Cardona will be presenting the tournament trophies. A massive 96 entries have been received and there is a reserve list!

On Sunday, the fun day, there will be entertainment from 1.00pm by Ian Hunt singer, and DJ and master of ceremonies, Mike Dennison. The popular Cortado’s cake stall and Carol’s Jams and Chutneys will be open all day, or until the jams, cakes and pastries run out!

The raffle is always extremely popular, with some fantastic prizes this year.

Prizes include two €100 Amazon vouchers, a variety of luxury raffle prizes, including fabulous wine hampers, a cocktail hamper, plus a variety of vouchers from local salons, shops and restaurants. Tickets will be sold on Saturday and Sunday with prize draws on Sunday 5pm.

Julie Keene, Vice President Javea Feral Cats comments: “Our annual Padel Tournament and Gala Day is our big fundraiser of the year and we are grateful for the support of our local community, volunteers, padel players, businesses and Padel 24.”

As a registered charity, we have neutered over 6,000 cats in the last 15 years, through trap, neuter and return –  the most humane method to improve the lives of street and feral cats. This provides a better environment for the community too!

The money we have raised has helped pay for vets bills, neutering (when we have no funding), traps, restrainers and much more, so please do come and support us and have a fun day out.

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