In the absence of craft fairs, talented artisans need your support more than ever

Artisans need your support as they can only continue being artisans and make a living from their craft when they can sell their work.

AMATA 210322-01a


Monday 22nd March 2021 | PRESS RELEASE

What all artisans like best, is making beautiful things and sell enough of them to make a living of their craft.  Until a year ago, they spent all week in the workshop and in the weekends went to craft fairs to sell what they had made during the week. When the pandemic came, they suddenly had no craft fairs and therefore no income.

In the face of this setback, the members of AMATA, the craft association that has been organising craft fairs over the last 20 years, bundled their efforts and created a Virtual Craft Village, with workshops, stores and virtual fairs. In this village you can watch the artisans at work, you can buy original craft work in the shops and look at some forty craft stalls in the virtual fairs.


The village is a permanent project that will go on, even when the artisans can again participate in real craft markets, because one of its main advantages is that you can visit it at any time, wherever you live, and you don’t have to wait till there is a craft fair in your area. And buying original craft work online has never been so easy, because you can take your shopping cart to each and every craft shop in the village and pay everything together in one go.

The website is a project of AMATA that guarantees that you will only find original work here, made by the artisans with their own hands.  And if you want to surprise a friend or family member with a unique present, AMATA can put you in touch with the right artisan to make it for you, because they have a large database of artisans from all over Spain

Information Source
Press Release – AMATA