The renowned classical guitarist will be performing on Friday evening and admission will be free.

The cultural programme in Xàbia has several important events over the next few days and one of them is the presentation of the 38th edition of the popular MÚSICA A L’ESTIU season (“Music in the Summer“) with renowned classical guitarist Ignacio Rodes.
The summer classical musical festival is held during the month of July but, for 2024, the Professional Music Conservatoire in Xàbia has determined that the training courses for the students will be carried out during the normal school year.
The festival presentation concert will be given by renowned classical guitarist Ignacio Rodes on Friday 12th April at 8.00pm in the Casa de la Cultura in the Plaça del Baix in the heart of the historic centre; admission will be free. Rodes is a native of Alicante and it was in his city of birth that he completed his guitar studies at the Oscar Eslpá Higher Conservatoire. He has claimed first prize in five international guitar competitions, including the prestigious ‘Andrés Segovia’, ‘Francisco Tárrega’ and ‘José Ramírez’ contests, and he is internationally recognized as one of the best guitarists of his generation. Currently he teaches classes at the same conservatoire in which he studied and is the academic director of the Master in Classical Guitar Performance at the University of Alacante.
On Saturday 13th April, there will be two major cultural events. At 8.00pm in the Casa de la Cultura, the theatre company Companya Contrahecho will be performing the Valencian play “Segarem ortigues amb els tacons”, a reflection on women, feminism, prostitution and machismo. Admission is five euros. And then, at 9.30pm inside the church of San Bartolomé, there will be a concert by the Band of the Center Artístic Musical de Xàbia as part of the “Música als Pobles” campaign. Admission will be free.
On Sunday 14th April at 1.00pm in the Plaza de la Iglesia, the Children of the Altar del Carmen de Valencia will be performing “La Pesta Vençuda”, one of the Miracles of Sant Vicente Ferrer.
Saturday will be the last day to visit the exhibition “Lo sabe el cielo azul” by Susana García, at the Center d’Arts Andrés Lambert while at the Casa del Cable, the Grup d’Investigació: Materia exhibits “El sagrat i el profà. Rituals creatius de la materia” until May 5. This exhibition consists of a series of seven individual pieces made by each artist in the group, where sacred or profane rituals dedicated to different cults and liturgies, private or collective, atavistic or contemporary, related to the cosmos and the world, the soul and the body; heaven or hell; the sublime and the mundane. It is about sacralizing the temple again through art, with the revision of the myths and archetypes of popular culture: life, death, spirituality, regeneration and sacrifice, among others.