Iberdrola must wait until June 30 to bury power line that crosses Les Planes de Xàbia to the Cap de Sant Antoni lighthouse
The project will bury almost 3.4 kilometres of power line which runs across La Plana to the lighthouse.

One of the electrical poles in the Les Planes area that will be buried
Wednesday 25th May 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: original article – Carlos López (Xàbia AL DÍA)
The Generalitat Valenciana has granted authorization to a subsidiary of Iberdrola (I-De Redes Eléctricas) to bury the power line that carries electricity to the Cap de Sant Antoni lighthouse and runs through the entire area of Les Planes, to remove the current installation and favour the life of the bird species that live in this protected area.
The authorization was published a few days ago in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana (DOGV) and is linked to 16 conditions, all of which are easy to comply with, although one of them is related to the execution period “the work to be carried out must be carried out outside that of the nesting period that includes that period from March 1st to June 30th”. Therefore, it will not be until the tourist season when the distributor can start the project.
According to the details of the order signed by the General Director of Environmental Quality, the action includes the burial of some 3,384 meters of power line, which begins at the intersection between Camí dels Molins and Camí de la Serpeta and ends inside the Cap de Sant Antoni lighthouse.
The action has been divided into three sections:
- The first starts at the Les Planes transformer and ends at the centre in the Monastery
- The second runs from the Monastery to the “Lucas” transformer.
- The third runs from the Lucas transformer to the facility located inside the lighthouse enclosure.
The line will run along the current Les Planes road at a depth of about 0.80 metres, and the four existing transformers “will be replaced by other compact low-post ones consisting of prefabricated concrete elements and a small electrical assembly.”
The announcement in the Official Gazette highlights that with this action “the existing suspended power line will be dismantled, an action of great interest in the protected natural space, due to the improvement of the environmental conditions of the area and the minimization of the impact on the bird life of the area”.