Hotels on Valencian coast forecast almost 76% occupancy during July, up 18.5% on 2021
In July Benidorm forecasts 85%, the coast of Castellón 53.4%, the coast of Valencia 83.8%, the coast of Alicante 79.79% and the city of Valencia expects 74.2% occupancy.

Monday 4th July 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: GVA Turisme
The forecast of average occupancy for hotels on the coast of the Comunidad Valenciana during the month of July has been set at 75.7%, which is 18.5% more than in 2021. This is clear from the survey conducted by Turisme Comunitat Valenciana to a representative sample of hotel establishments in the Valencian region.
The regional tourism secretary, Francesc Colomer, explained that the forecasts show that “there is dynamism in the sector, although we are always conservative and prudent when it comes to offering figures, since our goal is to achieve the recovery of tourism in the medium term during this year, and not only during the summer season”. In addition, he noted that “more than ever we move with data that is very sensitive, especially because the tourist, more and more, makes their travel decisions at the last minute“.
The survey data shows that hotels on the coast of Castellón expect to reach 53.41% occupancy, 2.3% more than last year whilst the coast of Valencia expects to a hotel occupancy rate of 83.84%, 24.2% more than in July 2021. In addition, hotels on the coast of Alicante (excluding Benidorm) estimate an occupancy of 79.79%, 18.4% more than in June 2021.
For hotels in Benidorm, an occupancy rate of 85% is forecast, which is 25 points above that of the same month last year whilst the forecast occupancy for the city of Valencia is 74.2%, 21.8 points above the same month of 2021.
In addition, the survey shows that hotels in the interior of the Comunidad Valenciana expect an occupancy of more than 58% in July, 11% more than in 2021.
June Occupancy
The survey conducted by Turisme Comunitat Valenciana has also reported on initial results for June which are suggesting an average occupancy of 79.4% for all hotels on the coast of the Comunidad Valenciana, an increase of 27.5 points compared to 2021.
On the coast of Castellón, the estimate is 57.11% during June, an increase of 22.5 points compared to June 2021. For the coast of Valencia the estimated occupancy is 76.16%, which is an increase of 24.7 points. And for hotels on the coast of Alicante, not including Benidorm, an occupancy of 84.52% is estimated, 27.1 points more than in June 2021.
The estimated occupancy for the city of Valencia, at 88.1%, is 28.3 points above the same month last year. For hotels in Benidorm, an occupancy rate of 82% is estimated, which is 32 points above that of the same month last year.
Regarding the occupancy in hotels in the interior of the region, the survey estimates an average occupancy of 63.21% for the month of June, an increase of 19.2 points compared to 2021.
By provinces, in the interior of Castellón had an estimated average occupancy of 62.54%, which is an increase of 21.2 points compared to June 2021, whilst the province of Valencia the estimate stands at 70.45%, an increase of 32.4 points year-on-year. For the interior of Alicante, an average occupancy of 51.47% is estimated, which is an increase over June 2021 of 21.5 points.