Four sailors from Xàbia acknowledged for their successes during 2020

José Luis Boronat and Marta Sánchez managed to prevail in the national championships in their categories

CNJ 210308 News 2

PHOTO: José Luis Boronat

Monday 8th March 2021 | translated by MIKE SMITH

Four sailors from the Club Náutico Jávea received the Un Mar de Campeones 2020 prize, an award organized by the Comunidad Valenciana Sailing Federation that recognizes the best sports people of the year.

2020 was a very hard year for everyone, particularly for sports people, but the sailors of the Club Náutico Jávea achieved great successes, which have been recognized by the Sailing Federation in their annual gala that this year was celebrated online, with the hope to celebrate it properly in an event after the summer.

The sailors of the Club Náutico Jávea who have been recognized are: José Luis Boronat, Carlos Marí, Alex Ortega, and Marta Sánchez.

José Luis Boronat (Windsurfing)
Spanish Slalom Championship
1st Regional Iqfoil

Marta Sánchez (Kite Sailing)
Spanish KiteSurf Championship

Alex Ortega (Windsurfing)
3rd Spanish Cup Bic-Techno 293 U-17
the best in the two tests in this category at the regional level

Carlos Marí (Windsurfing)
1st Regional, Bic-Techno Plus U-17

Marta Sanchez (centre)

According to the sports director of the Club Náutico de Jávea, Javier Momparler, these results allow the club “to reinforce the work that … has been doing for so many years in promoting competitive sailing in Xàbia“. Likewise, Momparler stressed that, despite the fact that it was “a year marked by the pandemic and the health crisis, sailors have carried our club’s banner very high.”

Information Source
Press Release – Club Náutico de Jávea

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