Fogueres 75 | The evolution of traditional dress and accessories

The special evening included a number of examples of the typical dresses, costumes and accessories worn over the past 75 years.


As part of the special celebrations marking the 75th anniversary of the Fogueres de Sant Joan de Xàbia, an evening was organised to look at the evolution of the traditional dress and accessories over the years, a fashion show attended by hundreds of interested residents and visitors to the town.

Expertly led by Isabel Martí, the evening consisted of a number of examples of the types of dresses, costumes and accessories worn by the participants of this popular fiesta since its inception in 1950. She described each fabric and design in detail, particularly those outfits which are unique to any collection.

The evening included the participation of the first children’s queens of the Fogueres de Sant Joan de Xàbia who wore costumes from those early years. And among the models were Gertrudis Tena and Pepa Torres, the representatives of fiesta from its beginnings.