FOGUERES 2022: The countdown begins as the fiesta representatives receive their sashes and badges
The main representatives of the biggest party of the year in Xàbia receive their distinctions for this year’s edition.

Foto: Lucía Catalá (Fogueres Commision)
Thursday 2nd June 2022 – Mike Smith
Fotos: Ajuntament de Xàbia / Lucía Catalá
It has been three long hard years but Xàbia is on the verge of celebrating its biggest party of the year once again. And this year’s edition of the Fogueres de Sant Joan is going to be even bigger than normal with an unprecedented three quintàs representing 2020, 2021 and 2022 coming together to enjoy the festivities which, in addition to honouring Sant Joan (San Juan) and the arrival of midsummer, also marks the coming of age for the young people of the town.
Ahead of the three proclamation ceremonies which will take place over the weekend of June 10th-June 12th (see programme link below), the main representatives of each year were formally handed their sashes and symbols in a special ceremony held in front of the town hall building on Wednesday evening.
As a fiesta that lives in the street, it was fitting that the ceremony should leave the confines of the council chambers and head out into the square, not only because of the three sets of representatives meant that the formalities needed more space. As the temperatures climb with the approach of summer, the fresh air of a warm evening was welcomed by everyone who attended, including family and friends of those being honoured.
Mayor José Chulvi, fiesta councillor Kika Mata and president of the Fogueres Commission Rafa Marí Zaragozí were in charge of the delivery of the sashes and special badges which have been designed as a genuine replica of the Iberian Treasure of Lluca which was discovered in 1904 and will replace the more traditional crowns when the queens are not wearing their formal dresses.
They also made two special presentations to honour to very special personalities in the history of the Fogueres in Xàbia: Pepa Cardona was honoured for promoting one of the most iconic days of the fiesta programme, the Día de les Quintades, and it was his initial efforts back in 1941 to bring together several colleagues born in the same year that provided the impetus to create this very special day for Xàbieros; his award was accepted by his son José Cardona. In addition, the very familiar presence of José Vicente Carrío was also honoured for being one of the cornerstones of this very special fiesta and for his predisposition and efforts to enhance it.
The three Fogueres Queens – Marta Ortuño (2020), Nara Rodríguez (2021) and Olivia Clemente (2022) – along with the Infantil Queen 2020 Ariadna Serrat, all received their distinctive sashes, easily recognizable by the colours of the Spanish flag running through them, and the new badge that unites the fiesta with the most ancient roots of the municipality. The sashes sat on the embroidered cushions that their bearers will carry in front of the queens during the proclamation ceremonies next weekend.
In addition, the ladies-in-waiting were presented with their sashes: Blanca Amores and Laura Cardona (2020), Andrea Ortuño and Aroa Sánchez (2021), and Laura Calavia and Júlia Pineda (2022); as well as their infantil counterparts Edurne Mata and Olaya Parra.
Finally, the presidents were awarded with their symbols: Zara Rodriguez (2020), María Liehr (2021) and Clara Buigues (2022) were awarded with the distinctive blue sashes whilst their partners Javier Gavilà (2020), Jorge Serra (2021) and Sergio Diego (2022) received the special new badges. In addition, the 2020 junior presidents Mar Rodríguez and Romeo Lara received their distinctions.
After the formalities, the officials, the protagonist and their family and friends were able to enjoy a few snacks and complementary wine provided by the Fogueres Commission.
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Photos: Facebook – Ajuntament de Xàbia