FOGUERES 2022 | Quintà 2022 brings two day flower offering to a close

On a cooler and much drier evening. Fogueres Queen 2022 Olivia Clemente laid the final set of flowers in honour of Sant Joan.


Thursday 23rd June 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: original article

The second night of the extraordinary flower offering to Sant Joan concluded on Wednesday evening with no threat of the heavy rain which brought the first night to a swift end. Fogueres Queen 2022 Olivia Clemente was able to calmly make her offering alongside the Infantil Queen 2020 Ariadna Serrat and the president of the Quintà 2022 “La Retornà” Clara Buigues Buigues.

The procession featured:

Quintà 2017 “L’Escampà”
Quintà 2012 “La Fotraká”
Quintà 2007 “Entre Festes i Forats Farem Fredat”
Quintà 1997 “Mira Si En Som”
Quintà 2021 “La Retornà”
Infantil Cort de Honor
Comisión Juvenil
Junta del Moros i Cristians de Xàbia
Comisió del Mare de Deu de Loreto
Cofradía de Jesús Nazareno
Fallas Benlliure de Valencia

Photo Gallery

Photos by Fay Hughes (

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