FOGUERES 2022 | Olivia Clemente crowned as Queen for 2022
The final proclamation brought an end to three days of official ceremony before the big party finally begins.

Monday 13th June 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: original article
The final act of the unprecedented trio of presentations for the Fogueres de Sant Joan took place on Sunday evening, a formal ceremony that saw Olivia Clemente crowned as Fogueres Queen 2022 and Quintà 2022 “La Retornà” presented to the town, applauded proudly by family and friends.
The three acts allowed a story to be told. On Friday night, it was the historic narrow street of Carrer Teulería that hosts the niche of Sant Joan that provided the backdrop to the events whilst Saturday night saw archways of the traditional vidriella that is weaved into the crowns for the fire-jumping on the famous Nit dels Focs. Sunday evening’s backdrop was provided by the great bonfire of junk that is one of the iconic images of the fiesta and one that links new with old.
As in the previous two acts, the Quintà 2022 gathered in front of the town hall in the heart of the historic centre before processing to the main square. The act began with the bonfire of junk and a tribute to Penya El Gerrot who were charged with building it each year. And, as is tradition, the host Carmen Serra threw her flower crown onto the representation, ready to be “burned” later in the evening.
After the presentation of the Quintà 2022 presidents, Clara Buigues and Sergio Diego, and the queen’s ladies-in-waiting, Laura Calavia and Júlia Pineda, it was the big moment for Olivia Clemente, a former Infantil Queen, to take the stage and assume her position in front of the bonfire, which symbolically burst into flames. Fireworks once again lit the night sky and then music from Histeria provided dancing into the early hours.
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