FOGUERES 2022 | La Tuna de Xàbia returns for special serenading of the Queens
The serenading of the queens and presidents in one of the most popular musical processions of the fiesta.

Tuesday 21st June 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: original article
As the Fogueres de Sant Joan de Xàbia moved into its second week, the queens, their ladies-in-waiting, and the presidents of the three quintàs were serenaded by the minstrels of the popular La Tuna de Xàbia whose return to the streets of Xàbia has been long anticipated.
It was a special evening for a special edition of the biggest party of the year in Xàbia and the act was changed to meet the challenge of serenading not one but four queens, three presidents and an infantil court.
The evening began on Portal del Clot with the three male presidents (Javier Gavilà Fornés Quintà 2020 “Tot per L’Aire”, Jorge Serra Hermán Quintà 2021 “La Desastrà”, and Sergio Diego Frías Quintà 2022 “La Retornà”) joined by the juvenil president Romeo Lara Gisbert, each flanked by their queen’s ladies-in-waiting – Blanca Amores Hidalgo & Laura Cardona Redondo (2020), Aroa Sánchez Lora & Andrea Ortuño Torres (2021) and Laura Calavia Zellinger & Júlia Pineda Salvà.

The procession made its way through the historic centre to Plaza de la Marina Alta, where it was met by the Infantil Queen 2020 Ariadna Serrat Molina and her ladies-in-waiting Edurne Mata Gutiérrez and Oloya Parra Tormos, as well as the juvenil president Mar Rodríguez Benlloch.
Heading down to the Placeta del Convent, the growing procession collected the three female presidents (Zara Sancho Román Quintà 2020 “Tot per L’Aire”, María Liehr Olivares Quintà 2021 “La Desastrà”, and Clara Buigues Buigues Quintà 2022 “La Retornà”) before making its way back through the narrow streets of the historic centre to the church square at its heart.
Here, the three queens waited patiently – Marta Ortuño Torres (2020), Nara Rodríguez Sapena (2021) and Olivia Clemente Ferrándiz (2022). With all the main protagonists of this very special edition of the Fogueres de Sant Joan together in the heart of the historic centre of Xàbia, the minstrels led stirring versions of ‘Xàbia’ and ‘Fogueres’ before firecrackers burst noisily along the ground and fireworks exploded in the night sky above the town’s iconic church.

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