Five positions available for lease in the indoor market in Xàbia
The positions are available for ten years with an option to extend for another five years.

Friday 28th April 2023
Mike Smith
Xàbia Council has opened the tender process for five positions in the MERCAT MUNICIPAL – the “indoor market” – which are available for a ten-year lease (with an option to extend for five more years) for the retail sale of authorized products.
The positions available – 3,6,8,12 and 14 – will have a starting price of 1,855,96 euros which can be improved on and will need to be paid before the opening of the position and within 15 days of signing the contract.
Bar-cafetería offers will not be accepted as they are considered a complementary use which is sufficiently covered in the indoor market at this time. Authorised use includes a butcher’s shop, a position to offer pre-cooked or prepared food, fruit and vegetables, a charcuterie/delicatessen, wines and drinks, frozen food, fresh fish, salts, olives and preserves, poultry, small game meat and eggs, and pastries.
All the details of the tender can be consulted in the Public Sector Procurement Platform and online here in the electronic headquarters of the Ayuntamiento de Xàbia under the section ‘Perfil del Contratante’.
Proposals can be submitted until 2.00pm on Monday 29th May electronically through the Plataforma de Contratación del Sector Público tool here.
For any questions or advice about this opportunity, interested parties can go through the Department of Economic Development at the Oficinas de Atención al Ciudadano (OAC) in the Portal del Clot complex.