Fiestas honouring Mare de Déu de Loreto kick off on Saturday 24th August


The packed programme will run on until Sunday 8th September, the evening of the renowned aquatic fireworks.

The organising committee of the festivities of Mare de Déu de Loreto – also known as ‘the port fiesta’ – presented the official fiesta book for the celebrations that honour the patron saint of the Duanes de la Mar neighbourhood which will be held from Saturday 24th August to Sunday 8th September.

The official book, which runs to 194 pages and boasts a colourful cover designed by Uma Bulim from CEIP Trenc d’Alba, has been described as a reflection of the festivities and of a Xàbia that looks out to the sea, featuring several articles on the history, culture, devotion and joy of the men and women of the town.

The main protagonists for the 2024 edition are Leticia Bisquert Buigues and Daniel Pérez Barton; Laura Femenía Pastor and Antonio Mayans Ferrer; José David Bou Sala and Teresa Buigues Ros; Eloy Costa Pedrós and Noelia Ahuir Buigues; Fernando Mas Mas and Natalia Pérez Barton.

The president of the Fiesta Commission, Vicent Gavila, said that the fiesta book reflects the year-long work that the volunteers have dedicated to creating a programme of events that the beloved Virgin of Loreto deserves. He explained that the agenda is varied with something for everyone and has enjoyed the support of businesses, sports clubs, local entities and fishing clubs to help make it possible.

The councillor responsible for Fiestas, Mavi Pérez (CPJ), said that the festivities of the Mare de Déu de Loreto “are the patron saint festivities of our town” and highlighted the work of the volunteers of the Fiesta Commission to produce an official book filled with articles and collaboration as well as a programme that has been designed for all ages and includes several new features.

Mayor Rosa Cardona added that the Fiesta Commission, the mayorales and mayoralesas along with the various groups “make a great team to create a great fiesta which the whole town can enjoy” and the fiesta book is proof of that hard work. She highlighted some of the articles which have “allowed us to remember and bring back some memories such as La Porquejà“.

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