FAQ: Vaccination of minors against COVID-19

Health professionals answer the most common questions about the vaccination of the under 12s which has started this week.

16-COVID Children Doctor

Thursday 16th December 2021 – MIKE SMITH

Who will be vaccinated? How and where will it be administered?

  • Who: Children between 5 to 11 years old.
  • How: With two doses, 8 weeks apart.
  • Where: In educational centres, with the consent of parents or guardians.

Who cannot be vaccinated?

  • Those who have previously had severe allergic reactions to the components of the vaccine.
  • Those who are experiencing a fever, in which case it will be delayed for a few days.

What are the possible symptoms after vaccination? How should one act?

  • As in adults: pain around the injection site, feeling of tiredness, chills, fever, headache, …
  • If symptoms appear, paracetamol can be given, and repeated if necessary every 6 – 8 hours. It is not necessary to take it BEFORE vaccination.

What if a more serious side effect appears?

  • Serious allergic reactions appear in the first few minutes, so it is important to stay at the vaccination site for 15-20 minutes, where there will be trained health personnel to deal with any serious immediate reaction.
  • If later, chest pain, shortness of breath or a sensation of rapid heartbeat appear, immediately consult the health centre or hospital emergency services.
  • The serious side effects of the vaccine are always milder than those of the disease itself.

Can you lead a normal life on the day of the vaccination?

  • Yes, following current health protocols and common sense. And always with hand hygiene, mask and social distancing.
NATALIA CARDONA – Director of Nursing Department of Health Dénia

Can one get COVID after vaccination?

  • Yes, although the risk is lowered, especially with the complete vaccination course.

Can the COVID vaccine be given with other vaccines? And with allergy shots?

  • Yes, it is an inactivated vaccine so it can be administered together. To avoid overlapping of possible reactions to each vaccine, 2-3 days can be separated, but it is not necessary.

What if my child has had COVID? Can they still be vaccinated?

  • Yes.
  • If the infection was before the first dose, a single dose will be administered starting 4 weeks after recovery.
  • If the infection is after the first dose and before the second, the second dose will be given when the child is fully recovered and at least 4 weeks after infection.

Is vaccination mandatory?

  • No, but it is an act of solidarity and civic responsibility in the current epidemiological situation

Would you vaccinate your children?

  • Yes. Without hesitation.
JOSEP MUT – Head of the Pediatrics at Dénia Hospital

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