Emergency work on historic house after structural movement detected
The movement was detected during an inspection as part of the drafting process for its renovation.

Friday 3rd June 2022 – Mike Smith
Source: press release – Ajuntament de Xàbia
Xàbia Council is carrying out emergency work on the historic building known as ‘Casa del Xolbi’ after a small movement of the structure was detected during inspection being carried out to draw up a comprehensive renovation project for this Gothic mansion. It is thought that the displacement has been caused by the persistent rains that the region experienced during the spring months.
On Wednesday afternoon, the perimeter of the building, which is located between Carrer Roques, Carrer Loreto and Carrer L’Escola just 50m from the heart of the historic centre, was sealed off for safety purposes, closing the road to traffic until the emergency work can be carried out. This will involve the construction of a retaining wall inside the building to strengthen the façade and prevent future movements. This work will be carried out by municipal personnel and is expected to be completed in a few days.
The `Casa dels Xolbi’, which is owned by the municipality, is awaiting renovation in order to guarantee its structural integrity. The town hall presented the project, which is estimated to cost around one million euros, for consideration for funding from the Ministry of Housing and Bioclimatic Architecture aimed at urban projects, especially the renovation of municipal heritage buildings, from a social, cultural and/or historical nature.
This project is currently being drafted and it was during one of the visits to the building by the contracted architectural studio that the structural movement was detected.
The Gothic mansion was acquired by the town hall in 2005. Originally dating from the 18th century, it is a large house of 34 rooms of various sizes and functions, spread over four floors, and is considered one of the oldest and most interesting buildings that has been preserved in the town.
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