Emergency repair work on eastern breakwater will last four months

Calls have been made to ask the council to request a pause in the work during July and August.

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Monday 24th May 2021 – CARLOS LÓPEZ with Mike Smith

Xàbia AL DÍA has learnt that repairs works by the Ministry of Territory on the eastern breakwater – the green lighthouse boom – have begun, attending to those areas damaged during Storm Gloria in January 2020 for which 900,000 euros have been set aside in the 2021 budget of the Generalitat Valenciana.

It has been indicated to XAD that the work began at the end of April and that the execution period is four months, which means that they should be concluded by the end of August.

The budget is 759,640 euros of which 690,582 euros will be spent on repairing the access platforms to moored vessels whilst another 69,058 euros will be spent on “construction management”.

XAD has confirmed that work has already started with a large trench currently surrounding the Motonáutica Doménech dry dock and access to the breakwater being fenced off at either end. The main concern is the work of two projects that is being carried out at the same time and the possible effects that they will have on an already difficult and complicated parking issue in the port area, especially with the approach of the summer season. In fact, there have already approached to Xàbia Council to send a request to the regional government to pause the work during the busy months of July and August and resume in September.

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