Culture offers guided visits of the Sorolla exhibition

The tours will take place over the weekend of 11th/12th December.


Thursday 2nd December 2021 – PRESS RELEASE with Mike Smith

The Department of Culture in Xàbia is offering guided visits of the exhibition “Sorolla en su paraíso. El álbum fotográfico del pintor” which is running until January 16 at the Casa del Cable in the port as part of the commemorative programme for the 125th anniversary of his first arrival in the municipality.

The exhibition allows us to recreate the life of Joaquín Sorolla and the time in which he lived through photography, a genre to which he was a great fan and collector, reconstructing the creative environment of the artist and his presence in Spanish cultural environments between the eve of the Revolution of 1868 and the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera.

The exhibition, curated by the Sorolla Museum Foundation, has been specially adapted for Xàbia including a section with images of the painter during his stays in the town that inspired him so much.

Now a special visit is offered by the historian David Gutiérrez Pulido, a great connoisseur of the figure of Sorolla and his experiences during his stays in Xàbia (he was the winner of the Vila de Xàbia research award for his project “Xàbia in the life and painting of Joaquín Sorolla”).

Two guided tours have been scheduled for Saturday 11th December and Sunday 12th December, both at 10.30 am. They are free but places are limited and those interested are required to register with the Department of Culture (96 579 43 44).

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