C’s proposes that council cede management of Xàbia’s Municipal Market to the vendors

“We must continue to value to Municipal Market, giving facilities to the true protagonists, its sellers and customers, to continue positioning it as one of the driving forces in the local economy in Xàbia.”

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Friday 6th August 2021 – XÀBIA AL DÍA with Mike Smith

In the last plenary session of Xàbia Council, the spokesperson of the C’s in Xàbia, Enrique Escrivà, proposed that the local government study the legal possibility of transferring the management of the Municipal Market – the indoor market – to the vendors with the objective of providing a space with “great agility”, such as removing the management of the positions that are vacant.

In a press release, Escrivà summarized his proposal made during the plenary session, in which a partial modification of the Municipal Market Regulations that refer to the conditions of the transfer of the positions was discussed. He explained that, in his opinion, the changes have “fallen short” and they should have been modified so that the sellers themselves directly manage the infrastructure.

He proposed that the local government seeks a legal formula for such a modification to become a reality as soon as possible so that the vendors can collect the “corresponding fees” charged by the council and assume “expenses and urgent repairs” of the market building, such as its cleaning.

Escrivà lamented that it can’t be possible that there are currently closed position in the indoor market, due to the long procedures required to offer them using the public tender process and acknowledged that “there are people interested” in them.

He insisted that “we must continue to value to Municipal Market, giving facilities to the true protagonists, its sellers and customers, to continue positioning it as one of the driving forces in the local economy in Xàbia and especially in the historic centre, since a fully functioning municipal market is, without a doubt, a focus of attraction for the rest of the shops and businesses in the area.

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