Cruz Roja collects 2,000kg of oranges in annual task for foundation

The oranges will be distributed to those that the organisations helps on a daily basis, as well as other entities.

Cruz Roja

This weekend, the Cruz Roja de Xàbia has been met its annual orange picking appointment, organised by the Fundación Christian Marc Olmos Vente a Ver Xàbia. Volunteers collected some 2,000 kg of oranges that they have already started distributing to the people that they help on a daily basis as well as to the residents of Hermanos Cholbi, the Centre del Día and to the charity Cáritas.

Due to the current health situation, they have been able to carry out the traditional collection and meeting between all the volunteers and members of the foundation, so shifts were established to comply with all the security measures and complete the annual task.

The Cruz Roja expressed its thanks for the donation to the foundation as well as all the volunteers and collaborators who participated.

Monday 23rd November 2020, 5.30pm – MGS