CREAMA Xàbia offers free course on online marketing strategies

The entity also offers a webinar on podcasting and an interview with a successful businesswomen in the animal care sector.

ADX 210211-01 CREAMA Course

Friday 12th February 2021 | MIKE SMITH

What does the author of the art of war have to do with Leo Messi? How can we learn from what the best businesses and companies are doing right now? How do I design my own strategy to make my project or initiative come true?

CREAMA Xàbia is offering a free online course next Tuesday 16th February that will answer all these questions and many more. Entitled “De Sun Tzu a Leo Messi, cómo la estrategia nos ayuda en el Online y el Offline”, the course will highlight how to design objectives, create a customer profile, and prepare a successful brand strategy to attract new customers to a business.

Interested parties need to reserve a place for free using the following link:

In addition to this training, CREAMA Xàbia also recommends the webinar “Deja de Podcastinar y lanza tu mínimo podcast viable” in which Santos Garrido, digital marketing consultant and creator of the Podcastinitis programme, will explain how to design, record, publish, and promote a podcast in 45 minutes.

To attend this workshop, interested parties must register using the following link:

Finally, next week will close with an interview with business woman Dayana Santacreu, guest speaker on the series “Un café con el ADL Tecnológico”. Santacreu will be talking about how she has taken the digital leap in the new projects she has undertaken and how a deep passion for her, such as her love for animals, led to the creation of her flagship “Mascotetes” that have led her to become a renowned businesswoman in the animal care sector.

The interview can be followed on the following link:

Information Source
Press Release – Ajuntament de Xàbia