Council to invest million euros to improve playgrounds

The town hall has presented the plans for the comprehensive reforms of the children’s play areas in Thiviers and Freginal.

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Xàbia Council is to invest around a million euros to improve children’s playgrounds in the town. Councillor Montse Villaverde (Childhood) explained that there are 18 municipal playgrounds across the town and a status report has been made in recent weeks, looking at the state of the swings and other equipment as well as other visible deficiencies such as lighting or safety. Through this report, the Council can plan and prioritize improvement projects and some 500,000 euros have already been budgeted this purpose in 2021.

Mayor José Chulvi joined with the councillor to present two vital projects to the Children’s Council, who have indicated that the playgrounds in Parque Reina Sofia in Thiviers and Plaza Xativa in Freginal need urgent attention. These projects will be tendered in January and will also involve a municipal investment valued at close to 500,000 euros.

In adition, in the next few weeks, sporting equipment will be installed in some of these areas, including a calisthenics and workout area in Jávea Park – which has recently been re-painted as well as the playground area in Carrer de Fageca in the town. An outdoor gymnastics circuit is also to be installed in the nearby Parque Montaner.

So, the first spaces that the Council will improve will be those in Thiviers and Freginal. The playground areas will be completed changed, with zoning for different uses and different ages, more colour and adapted to be totally inclusive with new service networks. A CCTV surveillance system will also be installed to monitor the areas after dark, a time when they are prone to vandalism, which is the main problem.

Thiviers – 235,000 euros will be invested to create an area based on the theme “Los Siete Mares” – The Seven Seas – as selected by the children themselves. The main area of the playground will be in the form of a pirate ship and there will be a sports area with goals and basketball hoops, a slide with a climbing wall, a space for classic table games, and finally a circuit training area for adults.

Freginal – 185,000 euros will be invested to create a playground based on the theme “Cuentos de Hadas” – Fairy Tales – which will have two distinct play areas: one for the little ones and another with play equipment designed like turrets and carriages with accessories such as a bouncer.

Friday 13th November 2020, 2.00pm – MGS