The Department of Sports has cancelled the ‘Xabia Esports Educa’ programme until after Christmas.

Municipal Sports Schools 2020

The Department of Sports has published the definitive lists of successful applicants to Escoles Esportives Municipals, a service offered by the City Council to promote sport among the younger members of the community. These lists can be consulted on the municipal website (external link).

Parents will be able to download from the same website the Contingency Plan of the Municipal Sports Facilities, where the flows and regulations applied to each facility are outlined. In addition, and to formalize the registration, they must download the responsible declaration of compliance with the Regulations Annex III (from the municipal website, link given above) having to be delivered in User Care before September 22nd, requesting an appointment before presentation.

The Department of Sports has planned briefings for each municipal sports school (which will be held virtually through the ZOOM platform; parents can find the session ID in the same definitive list of each municipal school) in which will explain the changes of routines and preventive measures that will be applied this unique season.

Councillor Alberto Tur (Sports)has pointed out that, in the wake of the COVID-19 health crisis, the council has decided, together with the Department of Education, to suspend during the first quarter the programme Xabia Esports Educa, which was carried out within schools during extracurricular hours and with the aim of encouraging healthy habits and collaborating with the continuous-time programme implemented by all public centres in Xabia.

The counciler

The Councillor explained that after Christmas, analysing carefully the evolution of the COVID-19 situation, the programme will be re-considered, an initiative which has recently received a grant from the Ministry of Sports of 13,200 euros because it is a unique project within the sports field.

SOURCE: Press Release – Ayuntamiento de Xabia