Financial aid will support those who didn’t have to close during the lockdown but saw their trade drop drastically.


The Xàbia Council is working on the details to be able to offer a new line of direct financial aid to professionals who, despite not being obliged to close their business during the national State of Alarm, saw their trade drop drastically (by at least 50%). One of the specific sectors which may benefit from this financial support would be the taxi sector whose trade was affected by the enforced lockdown of residents.

Mayor José Chulvi explained that the Diputación de Alicante has approved a subsidy plan for the self-employed and companies affected by the COVID-19 health crisis with Xàbia awarded some 94,000 euros. It will be the Council that will be responsible for managing the granting of this financial assistance, which may be support of up to 1,500 euros depending on the demand and could also be used to settle rent, invoices for services and consultancy, amongst others. The rules will be put before the next plenary session for initial approval, having already been drafted in a meeting of the board of representatives this week.

This line of aid will complement the one already developed by Xàbia Council itself worth some 1.5 million euros to support the self-employed or mutualists who were forced to close their doors during the State of Alarm, such as the hospitality sector and other businesses and which is now in the application phase.