Council offers Smartphone tuition for “jubilonauts”

Twelve spots are available for this online course which will run from Tuesday 17th November for three days.

The Department of New Technologies of CREAMA Xàbia has responded to a social demand it has detected and has scheduled the first training workshop for people over 55 who want to improve their knowledge of smartphones and tablets.

The course is aimed at the so-called “jubilonauts” interested in knowing the keys to using the most popular applications for digital devices.

Due to the current health situation, the course will be online through a webinar and will run between 3.00pm and 4.30pm on Tuesday 17th November, Wednesday 18th November and Thursday 19th November.

There are 12 spots available and interested parties should apply through this Google Docs external link.

Thursday 12th November 2020, 5.15pm – MGS

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